Reading log #1
Book: If i Were You
Arthur:Leslie Margolis
Arthur:Leslie Margolis
Topic Choice 1 |
In this book theee is two main charechters named Melody and katie . So in this paragraph i will be talking about Melody, is something you would concider boy magnet . Her parents are married . Her parents spiol her. But she is very bad and mean but everyone still ¨loved¨ her .I was rolling my eyes like i knew Melody would as so siad in pg 2 page 31 Wich shows would melondy would do if she was still in her body.
Katie✨ |
Katie was not so pretty. Not concidered exaclly a boy magnet . But the thing she did have was a sweet persanality . Her parents were devoced and also she was not what spioled she would have to babysit everysingle day . She was super smart as well. ¨mean while in the other room katie was taking care of her mom and making her brother dinner. ¨ wich is found in page 43 pg 2 wich can prove my piont of her persanality .
Reading log Number 3
Today katie and melody were trying to oviod each other . Beause they both
liked how there lives were going. Katies life was a dream she was living like she always wanted.
She could never ask for more.
But as for melody she has to deal with babysitting 24/7 . Then katie sees melody and runs away beacus eshe know
melody wants her life back .
Melody knows wants going on and wants to put a end to it.
So she decides to suprise her, by going to "her " house .
Today katie and melody were trying to oviod each other . Beause they both
liked how there lives were going. Katies life was a dream she was living like she always wanted.
She could never ask for more.
But as for melody she has to deal with babysitting 24/7 . Then katie sees melody and runs away beacus eshe know
melody wants her life back .
Melody knows wants going on and wants to put a end to it.
So she decides to suprise her, by going to "her " house .